Ok yeah it was great. This dude checked out and everything at work and when he left there was this chunky white stuff on the counter....and I looked at it, made a face, did a pointing thing and said: "WHAT IS THAAAT?!?" and Kate wrote that on a ticket with an arrow pointing down.....so we made a paper clip chain and hooked it on there from the light when no one was around. And then this old guy came and asked us what was so funny so I pointed to the chunky stuff and he like, brushed it around with his pen...so when he left I blew it away never knowing what the substance really was.
AND now for an example of what I really do at work...:
Yeah it looks like chicken shit but I really couldn't sit down and do something elaborate.
I want my name tag! Heheeee...
Ok I'm done for now...I feel like something's missing...