Apr 25, 2004 21:48
I did however, get a good laugh or two at the beach. Angelina, Teresa, and I drove out to the Oasis beach today around 1ish and expected to be back no later than 4:30 or so. Problem was, we weren't exactly expecting to get stuck in the sand twice while trying to find a place to park. Angelina seemed a bit embarrassed that we had to have some guys help us push the car out the sand twice but I however have a different view on these kinds of situations and found it to be pretty entertaining. Angelina asked her dad to bring the truck out there so we didn't have to get stuck in the sand again and he came which was pretty cool of him to do so. Anyway, while we were there we somewhat managed to build a sandcastle. Teresa and I got moat duty while Angelina built the castle topped with...a ball. Looked great until I got the idea of making it a snowman, well sandman, whatever and I kinda...crushed it. Oops, somebody spank me. Went in the water for a little while, no surf though :( Anyway, I was still quite tired today and was in one of those "nothing's-wrong-i'd-just-rather-sit-and-think-than-talk" moods.