Will someone please go in my place? I have to Walkersit.

Sep 08, 2003 15:12

9/11 Candlelit Vigil for Peace


7:30 pm: Sunken Gardens, County Courthouse, Santa Barbara (Anapamu &
Anacapa Streets)

All are invited to a downtown Santa Barbara vigil the evening of
Thursday, September 11, 2003. We will commemorate the victims of the
9/11 attacks. We will also remember the victims of subsequent
military responses and terror attacks. Especially, we will focus on
the future, calling up our hopes for a more peaceful world.

The Candlelight Celebration for Peace will begin at 7:30 pm, at the
Sunken Gardens of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, at the
southeast corner of Anacapa and Anapamu Streets downtown.

Bishop Elizabeth Longmire of the Madonna Ministry will officiate. She
will begin with a formal prayer for peace. There will be a joint
ceremony of the lights, followed by prayer circles. The ceremony will
end with a celebration of peace and the extinguishing of the lights.

The County of Santa Barbara has donated the use of the grounds for
this special event. Please bring candles - and cups or other
containers so as to eliminate dripping wax damaging the property, as
well as for wind resistance. If possible, please bring extra candles
and matches to share with those who may spontaneously join this vigil.

If you have them, please bring bells, and please arrive on time. Our
agreement with the county for the use of the Sunken Gardens is for
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The Santa Barbara ceremonies are part of a national call for Circles
of Hope by
Tomorrows and United for Peace &
Justice (UFPJ).

For more information, please contact the event organizer, UFPJ member
group Not In Our Name - Santa Barbara, at 805.962.8840, or by email
at 911vigil@nion-sb.org.
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