i really want a code.
i've been wanting to change my lj name for a while.
i'm getting tired of "punkiishmob"
oo i'm cool.
watching aaron carter on cribs is as funny as watching chinese men get hit by cars.
yesterday at work i came in a little later and exited Scary Movie 3. out comes Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. i had nothing to say to them.. so i just said the usual requirements of exiting a film... "thank you for coming exit's down the hall." she looks.. really ugly without makeup. it scared me. then i'm cleaning again.. and Emilio Estaves comes up to get popcorn. he's with his son and this really really sex-slave-dominatress-looking-type girl. she dropped her nachos, which was hilarious if you were there. and i got written up! because i didn't offer to upsize. 80% of the time you offer to upsize, you get yelled at for "telling people what to do". wow. then on break i go to johnny rocket's with this stoner who i work with, and hear all this bullshit about stuff that's been going on and everything..
overall it was a shitty day.
and today i constantly fell asleep. i don't understand why the fuck i'm so tired during my classes, more than usual.
rudman doing my homework :-x
him and david came over after school to hang out for a bit. watched grotesque videos. then me and rudman worked on this stupid history packet due tomorrow.. along with a big test that i consider myself confident with. but i'm not so sure.
then i go and get my schedule at work. they fucking want me to work 19 hours this weekend. Sunday -- the entire day. and on halloween, which is bullshit. i've been working and i've been working on the days i shouldn't have been but my manager calls and asks me to work.. i've always not had a problem with it. i requested to not work on that day.. and i don't want to. it's until ten. i'm calling tomorrow to see if i could schedule something earlier.
just when you thought that you had it all worked out,
you will be the last one to figure out.
woo living end quote.
doesn't being lead on suck, guys?!
i'm fucking tired.
and i got asked to homecoming by someone who wanted me to go because she had no one else to go with.
bump that, g!
stacey es muy cheesy.