Here's the story of a lovely lady

May 03, 2006 09:44


If that gives you any idea.


Employer's luncheon went well, Jim came and got to see a couple season ticket holders, I bagged a group for next season (meaning I will get commission), and I got a nice Career Services fleece blanket. It's big and soft and warm.

Went from there to the theatre to start on my design projects. My hatedrd of M. Night Shamaylan was reinforced. And I have a new found hatred for the queen mother. Neither of them cooperated.

Acting final.... well the group scene went OK, but after practically begging Cookie to let me do my monologue, I fucking blew it. I don't think she's happy with me, but when is she?

Went bacck to working on design stuff. My plan is brilliant, but the execution... eh. Leaves something to be desired. Very basic.

Left the theatre at about 3a to go to the library. Studied/chatted/joked around with Stool and Fia (online) and took a nap about 5a when I wasn't getting anything else done. Should have borrowed Carrie's chair but didn't realize she'd left.

Went to Bio exam early. I know, right? Caroline, I blame you-- I jinxed myself. I thought it was at 8, though, but it's actually at 830. Lindquester let me take it right then, however, and so now I am out, at the AOII house, and plan on curling up under a couple of blankets (appaently half the students taking finals in FJ kept leaving the classroom for fear of frostbite, not just me for once) and taking a very nice (albeit short) nap before finishing up design.

And Michelle, it was nice to see you in the library this morning-- are you staying in M-town for the summer?

acting, design, biology, class, finals, rhodes

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