filled with resentment...

Jan 27, 2005 21:05

.watching the OC. lol.

yikes, ok well today was really interesting. lol. i love half days, except that they still seem long.

kate mentioned doing a re-make of "Lunacy Fringe" for the Talent show.. but idk when the auditions are. prolly soon.. but i have no doubt in my mind that we would make it. wow. that sounded conceeded. lol. so, i recorded my voice over the song with this program on here and it sounded pretty sweet. SoOo maybe ill talk to her about it. but i think itd be cool to get someone to learn the guitar for it and play it while we sing.. like an acoustic jazzy-ness. can u say, AWESOME!?

Newayz. MATH can suck it. i seriously HATE it and im starting to think i need to go to summer school.. but that would suck since i wanna go lifeguarding...UGH.

Dear Math,
Please Stop Ruining My Life.
<3 Libby

i have a strange attraction for Death Cab and Bright Eyes right now.. kinda weird. hmmm... :]

::Here comes the lesbian scene in The OC. HAWT:: lol

played with photoshop today=

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