Apr 18, 2005 20:27
OMG this morining it was SO sweet ya'll. Nic gave me a LIME GREEN (^.^) bear for Good Luck w/ Guard Tryout Pracs. & Pracs. & such ya kno?!? I was like AWW thank you SO much baby. ^.^ He's the greatest...really...
So yea in 1st hour we dont get to play with the Symphonic Band anymore (or at least until State fest.) b/c they need to prac. on their own. So yea we get to go in this clostrophobic (sp?) room with like 20 sumthin ppl. I was like...omg...*lol* But we sound HORRIBLE!!! ::sigh:: If only I would stay for pracs. Oh well...I don't like Band much...thats why I'm trying out for Guard.
Speaking of Guard...
So yea prac. was much fun. I finally relized how much I missed it...and how much your nails break!!! *lol* I'm serious...I have like no nails now...*lol*...So yea I learned two new things (Crackerjacks & Turn-Overs I think they were called) They were fairly easy...I still need to work on my Crackerjack. I SO hope I make it b/c I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be on Guard this year. ^.^ So yea...I got my Blue Devils & Red Devils fixed and such. Everything else was basic from JH. So it's fairly easy and I REALLY hope I make it!!!
There's this really wierd girl trying out tho...I think her name is Nancy...omg evryone was tellin me how she practically STALKS the Guard members and such I was like...omg...*lol* She's okay...I guess she'll make it...but I kno evry1 is hopeing that she's not...it's sorta mean but oh well...I didn't say I didn't want her to make it...I just said she's sorta wierd...o.O Yea b/c Me and KT were talkin and then she just popped outta nowhere and was like "Hey! Um...Brittani" Me:....o.o... Her:"That is your name rite? I mean I really just guessed!!!" Me:"Yea...o.O" Her:"Aren't you goin out eith Nic?" Me:"yea...o.O" ::Me and KT walk away:: I was like omg...I dont even kno this girls name and yea...she knos about me and Nic...
It's wierd...
Okay well I betta go...Luv you all!!!
P.S.~Shannon if you didn't get my IM-I need you to bring two blank CD's to school tomorrow (if you have any) I'll tell ya why tomorrow...I dont feel like typing it again!!! I lurve you!!!