Jul 29, 2012 17:40
You really don't have a clue do you? When you starting insulting people for complaining about sexual harassment because "they should have expected it," you are victim blaming. Calling a girl an "idiot" and "whiny" because she didn't expect someone to take photos of her ass, is putting the blame on her. She has a right to complain about it because it's 100% the creepers fault, it's in no way hers because she wasn't expecting that sort of thing.
This is the sort of attitude people in charge often use as an excuse not to do their jobs and take action against harassment. When I was being harassed at Target my supervisors pretty much said "Well, you told him about your disability so you should have expected harassment." His harassment included trying to trigger me into having seizures and the last person to do that to me was in freshman year of high school. Excuse me for thinking people over 20 would be mature enough not to do that.
Then you say "I'm sorry for the harassment you received at your workplace," and then use the word "retarded" in the next sentence. So, his ableism is bad but your ableism is okay?! Don't try to pretend you didn't know that the "R" word is offensive because grade school kids are taught that. Also don't try to paint me as whiny and over-sensitive for calling you out on it.
As someone else pointed out, it's one thing to tell people to be wary, it's another to tell them to expect it and that they can't complain about. If it's okay for you to share stories of people being rude to you over your cosplays, it's okay for people to share stories of sexual harassment over theirs. Really, I've seen you being more "whiny" sharing those stories than the girl you called an idiot for not expecting ass shots. Go to 4chan, your attitude is just what they like over there. That shit doesn't fly over at cosplay.com.
EDIT: More *HEADDESK* so you have realized you were wrong but instead of just admitting that and apologizing, you just try to pretend you didn't say any of the shit you did. Man, your head is stuck really far up your ass.