Nov 04, 2007 13:06
You know I think happiness is a fickel being. Once you think you have her, you relax. Then you go to look back at her again and she's gone. I think my life will be one big chase. I will be looking at her back most of the time. Wondering why it didn't last longer. Why did I do to chase her away. People say that happiness is something you make. A state of mind if you will. I will agree, only if your a hermit. As long as you don't have to worry about the affects of other people. But to do that you have to like being alone all the time. Which I don't... So then what do I do?? I am so close to just throwing in the towel. At 21 I feel defeated and let down. I feel that nothing is ever what it seems. That you can never really trust or depend on anyone. Now 21 that's depressing