(no subject)

Jun 12, 2006 12:13

i'm getting ready to leave for ireland (read: packing at the last minute), and i think i'll just post one last time before i go.

so last night was my last night with sam and robert, with the three of us together. i'm sad that tristan couldn't come, but being in europe was a viable excuse. we didn't do anything special, just what we always do - watch movies/tv, make inappropriate commentary, and make each other laugh.

sam, i'm going to miss you so much i can't describe it. we've had uncountable good times together, and i thank you for those. i refuse to believe that we won't have any more, because we won't let something petty like an ocean get between us after these last five years. i'm just thinking, when i wrote that, five years doesn't look like that long a time, but thinking back, i can't remember when you weren't my friend. i mean, elementary school seems so long ago, but sixth grade outdoor ed comes back in a flash. i'm gonna visit you in germany if i have to pay for it myself, because we're too good for each other not to get together again and wreak havoc on the streets of munich. to totally rip off from one of my favorite books, there will be letter-writing, and e-mail-typing, and im-communicating, and even livejournal-posting. i want to hear enough about your new life in germany to feel like i live there. even when i don't really care what's going on, it'll be for the purpose of knowing i'm talking to you. this entry's getting really incoherent, and so i'm going to go splash water on my face. i know that wherever you are, you'll always continue to stand out and be one of the most amazing people i know. i love you so much and wish you the best.

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