ya know, i watched the debate the other night on tv, i dunno if it is just me, but bush seems to just make a complete ass out of him self everytime he opens his mouth. but what really scares me is the people who are so blind as to vote for him. if you aren't part of that top 1 percent of america, which most of us aren't, then you shouldn't be voting for him because it will do you no good. but i in no way will ever tell anybody who to vote for, or how they should vote, because voting for who u want to vote for is a right given to you when you turn 18, and everybody should take that right and use it. heres some links for thought, 2 are anti bush, but the other 2 are just pro voting. please go out and vote november 2nd. but not after celebrating my 21st on november 1st :D