bad breeder alert

Oct 15, 2008 14:41

Sooo, I just found somebody who probably has one of Boris' brothers (possibly the one I almost got!) My friend Rob told me he has a friend with a sick baby boston like mine, linked me to their page and I've been messaging her about it only to find out we got them from the same woman!

Her puppy also has giardia and some other stuff and is still not better from it. Boris is fine now, but I mean, we took him to the vet 3 days after we got him and took care of it really quickly. But there was a huge chance both of these puppies could've died.

I want to go after that stupid bitch that sold so called "vet checked" parasite filled puppies to people and let this happen!! She needs to be taken down.

This is Gus, probably Boris' brother, isnt he cute?

tell everyone you know that you cant trust this woman to give you a healthy puppy.

her name is Brianna Merriman.
her website is:
and she lives in Onalaska, Washington.
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