LeakyCon or Waiting in Line for $350

Jul 25, 2011 18:09

Let me start by saying....I will never go to another LeakyCon. Wednesday got in with no problem to the hotel. Once I was settled with my fabulous roommates I headed down to get my badge. Now I didn't eat lunch because how long could this really take. not only am I a rockstar but I'm golden cauldron as well. 6 hours later i finally had my badge and ticket for the park that night. They couldn't find me! Not just my badge but I wasn't even in thier computer system. Really people? I heard people defend leaky with "oh it's only their second convention". This is BASIC organization!! I also heard "they have never delt with 3,400 people before" then who was the dumbass who thought for their second convention ever that they COULD handle that many people. Of course I should have realized this was going to be a disastor when they were looking on the excel spreadsheets they had printed at the one booth and they weren't even in alpha order!! Basic common sense people! I finally get to the last conflit resalution line and they offer us drinks. I as for a water, like everyone else, the girl says 'great, I'll go and get those for you' only to see her 10 minutes later sitting and talking in another room. Needless to say the drinks never came. This set the pace for the rest of convention.

The park was better this year, more food for one. So I actually go to eat this year, plus water, butterbeer and pumpkin juice were all free as well.

Thursday: Potter Puppet Pals and the Potion Masters Corner were great, being a rockstar we got a shorter line and got to go in first. This is what I paid for I thought. The movie also was handled well except no one new what was going on. As in did only the 6 and 6:15 get to go in first? or could we all go in? So we waited in line to see what would happen. The line did move fast and we were allowed in to sit in our theater until our showing. Now I'm not one to cry at much especially movies but I cried, first when Severus died and then actually sobbed when he was holding Lily body. I'll get into the moive in another post.

The 'Room of requirment' for us to relax in had......no seating!!!! By saturday there was seating.

Friday: I went to one panel 'Sirius-ly Celebate', when I got there is was closed off due to too many people. The woman says the following 'we had the same problem yesterday for Why Fred' Then why didn't you move this to a bigger room?!?!?! Then the doors opened and two people left. Great we (two of us) can go in, right? right? no of course not. So we decided to have our own discussion on the floor by the room, I asked for the discussion topics so we could do so, she was happy to give them to us. So we get comfortable for our talk, also telling people showing up that the room was closed but they could join us. Then comes this woman along asking if any of us were signed up for the EA Games Keynote for 3:30 (it's 1:20 at this point). I said I was and she said "great! It's starting now" WHAT?!?!?! They changed the time of the keynote, good thing I was down there or I would have missed it. I would have been REALLY pissed. So yeah no orgaization and no communication at this convention.

I did get to see the Parsalmouths and Draco and the Malfoy's play!!!! So excited for those two bands.

Saturday: I got up, got dressed and headed down for what was to be the last Spinnerscast podcast. I had to step over people that where in line for starkid. They took up the entire walking area!! Didn't move themselves or their stuff so you could get through. I almost kicked a girls coffee over on to her camera just to make a point. Anyway I finally get to the room and....no one is there. So I checked the other rooms just to make sure but didn't find them. So I had to walked over the group of people again to the help desk to ask what was going on. They informed that the Spinnercast girls couldn't make it. Ok that's fine i underdstand but a note on the door would have been really freakin helpful!!!!

Now I did have alot of fun at convention, really I did. However that will be in another post. I just needed to rant about the problems first. Thank you for listening. I am now calm again.
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