
Jul 02, 2009 20:29

this morning before work.. i aparently tried to hit on my co-worker.. so she says. umm.. what? i told her.. "man. is it hot in here or is it just me?" and she totally twisted my words around. jokingly. i explained to her that i wasn't doing that and i was hot because i hadnt' had breakfast yet. when i got up this morning.. i was in a rush to take a shower and hop on a bus to make sure i had time to eat breakfast at work before my shift started. well, my tummy likes to be fed as soon as i wake up. and i didn't feed it. i ignored it. which it grumbled at me the whole way and i was slugglish getting to work because i needed food in my system. all good now. a cherry yougurt and 3 small vanilla scones later.. my tummy was happy and my tempature was normal till i started work and then i got hot. lol.

bought a LOT of fruit snacks and 3 pounds of almonds (no salt, no seasoning, just plain) for snack at work. i figure a 1/4 cup of almonds and a small package of fruit snacks will hold me over during my 10 min break at work.. till i get off work for real food.. instead of eating free left over pastires from the day before or buying a pastry.

i need to go food shopping. i'm literraly down to two chicken breasts, 4 frozen packages of veggies, oatmeal, canned veggies, a few eggs (that i hope are still good), and a whole lot of fruit snacks and almonds.i have nothing else to eat.

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