Jan 03, 2009 09:58
-Available: yes and looking
-Age: 26
-Annoyance: snoring, rude customers who can't wait 2 mins for their god damn drip coffee being poured into a cup
-Animal: kittens, kaoloa's, panda bear, puppies...
-Beer: nah.. i stopped drinking it a long time ago
-Birthday: May 15
-Best friend(s): katie h., rosa, shelley, shawn d., christina, linda r., sarah k.,
-Best feeling in the world: i'm gonna be bold and honest. orgasm. and of course, love.
-Blind or deaf: well i'm already hard of hearing. actually, when i don't wear my hearing aid, i'm practically deaf. so deaf it is.
-Best weather: I like when theres a slight breeze, where its not hot nor cold. just perfect. *in the late summer nights* i like that.
-Been in love: Yes
-Been on stage: Yes
-Believe in magic: Yes
-Candy: Swedish Fish
-Color: baby blue, pink, black, red, dark green, dark purple and occasionaly yellow
-Chocolate or vanilla: both
-Chinese or Mexican: both
-Cake or death: cake
-Continent to visit: eurpe
-Cheese: Mozzarella: its okay
-Day or night: day
-Dancing in the rain: not my idea of fun
-Eyes: brown
-Ever failed a class: yes, a few but then i retook them and passed
-First thoughts waking up: must go to bathroom
-Food: yum!
-Greatest fear: heights, closet and bathroom curtains/doors being left open at night.. that doesn't sit well with me at all, etc...
-Goals: find a lover when i'm ready, get a b.a degree, get a driver's license, find a better job, pay off credit cards and personal loans, etc...
-Get along with your parents: yes
-Good luck charm: umm nothing
-Hair color: brown
-Height: 5'3"
-Happy: sort of
-Holiday: x-mas
-How do you want to die: how? umm...whatever is the least painful way.. i'll go that way
-Ice cream: rocks
-Instrument: don't own any
-Jewelry: I've caved in and am wearing pinchers in my ears. slowly going emo or punk like... without wearing the skinny fucking ass jeans!
-Job: I have one. starbucks. barista.
-Kids: ian (my newphew) is the cutest baby ever!
-Kickboxing/Karate: my dad taught me some karate moves when i was a kid
-Love: complicated
-Laughed so hard you cried: who hasn't?
-Milk flavor: whip cream
-Movies: lots to watch in every genre...
-Motion sickness: yes .. don't watch "quartine" or "blair witch project" or 'cloverfield"
-McDonald's or Burger King: mickey d's!!!
-Number: 0
-One wish: a money tree
-Perfect pizza: there is no perfect pizza
-Pepsi or Coke: coke
-Quail: intriuging bird
-Reason to cry: sad movies
-Reality TV: project runway, jackass
-Roll your tongue in a circle: sure
-Ring size: 7
-Song: i gots to many to like
-Shoe size: depends on the brand. i go from 9-10
-Salad dressing: ranch
-Sushi: eww
-Slept outside: yes.. when i go camping
-Smoked: yes. cigarettes, cigars and pot a few times. now i dont smoke anything unless i'm severly stressed out
-Skinny dipped: yes
-Sing well: i'm tone deaf
-In the shower: yes.. i've take a shower before...everyday...0.o.. weird question...
-Strawberries or blueberries: both
-Sunrise or sunset: both
-Tattoos: I gots 4 and i want more
-Time for bed: 9 or 10pm
-Thunderstorms: they scare me
-Unpredictable: yes.. i agree. i can and have been unpredicatable at times
-Vacation spot(s): camping anywhere works for me
-Weakness: quite a few
-Which one of your friends acts the most like you: i have no clue
-Who makes you laugh the most: shawn d.
-Worst feeling: being sick
-Worst weather: rainy
-X-Rays: they're nifty...but close your eyes... no matter what body part they take a picture of
-Exes: 2 ex-gfs and 1 stupid ass ex-bf that i don't even count as a bf
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: honey....?! o.0
-Zoo animal: koala