Oct 10, 2004 12:12
ok so i played half time at the chiefs game yesterday i got so baked at my friends party on friday lol it was fun. WE RUINED KIELIEGH!! lol. uhhh. its thanx giving. my first hockey game we tied 2-2. i met sum really kick ass ppl. Karli, Sarah, Katelin. and shit this girl Teesha who i swear i'v fuckin met b4 but i hav no idea were. (i ain't goin nuts she's met me to :P) uhh in all there were like 3302 ppl at the cheifs game lol it was fun :P i'm soo fuckin goin to Good Charlotte and Sum 41 it isn't even funny! oh oh oh and this chic Karli no's Russle and Peanut and Rich and Butcher and everyone lol shit its awsome small danm world :P we gotta hang soon. uhhh lol i foned Russ at kristin's place lol we wanted to meet them sumwere but he wasn't home lmao darcy was like who is this lol and then like 2 seconds later we foned back and tried to get peanuts # lmao it was soo funny darcy was like " no i don't hav ...peanuts number" lmao it was so stupid my god. lmao. well well well. hmmm. after that night i kinda found out how good my like was compared to the ppl i met. shit i'll never complain agian. i hav so much and fuck i wanna help em all. wow i dunno were that came from :S i dunno the only thing is my school shit. i'm soooooo behind. i kinda just wanna say fuck it all and never do it again. but i no i'll regret later. i do. but i just can't seem to go ok i'm gonna sit down for like 5 hours and do it. i can't. i just can't. maybe if i was in school and i had no choice. but with a choice i don't really do it like fuck it takes me forever and i hate it. thats the only thing wrong with me. sigh. well thats all i can say bout me right now i'll think later and w/e. peace out