Seyran and I got to Sara's around 12:30 or so. Sara, Alex, John, Tiff, Nel, Sam, and Chris were already there, but I dont think much drinking went on. I got a 30 case of beer, a big bottle of JD, and a bottle of Arbor Mist for Sara. We already had two bottles of 151, and little bottle of JD, various beer, and various lame drinks. The drinking didnt start untill 1:30 or so, but it was fast and crazy after that. Lauren came shortly after that, and had a beer or so. It was good, everyone was telling fun stories and everything, Seyran and I were doing shots of 151, and then JD like it was going out of style. I had already had 4 beers before that so it was catching up with me fast. Everyone was breaking in the JD really fast. Tiff even had her first half shot of JD. That seemd to be the drink of choice. I was trying to keep Sara caught up with us, but she didnt want to do any 151 (I dont blame her.) When everyone was getting semi-tanked cigs broke out and everyone was smoking! And I dont even smoke! It was nuts. The room was filled with smoke. It was not good at all @_@. As you can see in one of the pictures I have the biggest ash in the world! In the end Sara and I ended up passing out on her bed after laying there for what seemed for ever. I dont remember going to sleep or even laying down, but I do remember Nel, Sam, and Chris trying to download porn from Sara's torrent, and they didnt know what to do so Sara, and I kept yelling out random things to do. When I woke up Seyran was on the little floor bed and Sara and I were still on her bed... and one one else was in the room. It was nuts. I dont remember anyone else leaving. There was a note next to us from Chris. It was something like "Sara and Charles Rule -Love C" or something like that. I can just see all them trying to wake us all up to say good-bye. Sara got on her comp and said she got banned from her torrent becaus of the things that Nel, and co. did the night before. Good times.