Apr 28, 2005 19:35
President Bush is rambling on TV right now, which means that I get to watch his ass instead of the O.C. LIKE OH MY Goodness! It totally sucks. And, I said..."Great! Now we have to watch this jackass and his idiot statements" Okay. Lolz...a joke right. You laugh a little and just move on. Not the people who created me, apparently. My mom gets super pissed and is like "Blah, blah blah, once you are living on your own and paying taxes then you can have the right to your own opinion." Which basically means I am so uneducated that I have no idea how politics work or anything about what's going on around me. I'm not saying I'm the master at the political world, but I know basically how everything goes and I've taken government and economics classes and I was entitled to my thoughts in there. But, fuck! Tonight was the first time I felt like I lived under absolute rulers. I didn't even say ANYTHING about what a bad job he's doing...I just think he's a jerk. And some presidents are, it's just the way it is. And also, I guess having a job, paying car insurance, car payment, cellular phone bill, and my phone line at the house bill doesn't count as anything that's part of the real world in which I owe money to our government or anything like that. Just because I don't pay a property tax doesn't mean I don't know jack shit about anything. It's such an insult...and my feelings are obviously hurt. Bitches!