All Your Inbox Space Are Belong to Us
I get a ton of spam e-mail. Frankly, if I replied to every one I got, I could lasso a giraffe with my dick, reel it in like a marlin and sedate it with several kilos’ worth of quality, pharmacy-grade sedatives. This could be adaptive if I lived on the savannah, where wandering, hostile giraffes might pose a
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I get plenty of IM spam bots though!
hahaha yeah the G spot exists, though there are some women that just don't experience that extra...whatever, no matter how hard you try and some seem to be in "O" overdrive.
and it's not always just in and up like that guys said. Sometimes you gotta do a little searching. all of which I'm sure you wanted to know.
but no hitchhikers! it's to kinky for most of them.
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