Sep 16, 2004 01:10
I dont know what has come over me, I dont feel as if I should be here, I really dont think that I am here, I cant do any of the things I use to, It seems like I cant put a smile on anyones face not even mine, I cant write to save this wretched life, I dont feel like drinking because I havent had the urge to prolong the effects of how I already feel, maybe if I sleep it away that would be the best, one would think that but I sleep way to much anyway and I take a couple of naps during the day just to keep me busy and my schedule full. I know this probably doesnt make much sense Im just writing what comes in my head I not really looking at the computer screen while typing this either, other than to make sure Im on the write keys so Ill continue my stupid rhetoric,
there is something definitly wrong with me, I dont know what it is, its nobodys fault other than mine to get like this I just do, so I will need to find my way out just like always, hopefully I can get out of this before everyone gets here because if I dont Im going to be very mad and disappointed at myself but that happens way to often anyways its either me or someone else, fuck me!
Im done for the night
Im done scaring myself