A call to Nick.

Oct 24, 2004 17:11

Yesterday I ended up calling Nick. I had a weird drive to. I haven't talked to the kid in about 4 months. And the last time we talked it was through text message and it didnt end on good terms. So yesterday Julie was over and I was feelin good so I decided I was gonna call him. Out of the clear blue to see how he was and ask him a few questions that have been bothering me. So I call and it seemed like nothing had changed. It kept ringing and ringing. No answer. So I hung up and thought to myself "maybe he saw it was me and didnt pick up." or "maybe he took me out of his phone book and didn't know the number so didnt answer." Before I could come up with anymore excuses for him my phone rang. And it was Nick. I answered and at the other end of the line came a very excited voice saying "HEY LAUREN! WHATS UP?!" I was assuming he was happy to hear from me due to the excitement in his voice. So we went through the hellos and how are yous and I congratulated him on getting his own car and I asked him how the band was doing (which they aren't doing too well. So I was upset to hear that). And then it came.... The word vomit. DUN DUN DUN... "So Nick, why don't we talk anymore? Why aren't we friends?" I have been meaning to ask him that for a good while and it just poured out of my mouth so fast I couldn't even think twice before stopping it. Then there was a pause and then "Lauren ::pause:: Your guess is as good as mine?" Then I went on with "yeah, because I have always wondered what happened? I never could figure out with we didnt remain friends." and he agreed and told me since he now has a car it will be easy for us to hang out and stuff. He asked me if I had anything holding me back like work or sports or something and well.. since I do nothing I told him I was free all the time. He said the only thing holding him back was work but he doesnt work that much. So I told him to give me a call when he is free and we can hang out and do something. Then he agreed and we hung up.

I guess I would feel better about all that if I knew for sure he would call me back. Because back when we used to talk all the time he would say he would call me and we would hang out and it never happened. Only at his lake house did we see each other. And I found that sad since he only lives not even 15 mins away from me. I just hope he was being serious when he said he would call me sometime soon. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens. See if he has changed.

The funny thing is when I called him even though I haven't talked to him in 4 months (not on the phone. not online. nothing). It's wasnt weird. I wasn't nervous.
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