Apr 01, 2005 10:23
Ok so seems to have been a while since i have updated my journal.. but here goes
I went to the mall wednesday and thursday and i went to the pet store on wed and i got some gold fish so i could put them in my new tank so everything in the tank would balance out.. then that same trip i got 3 little tiny frogs who wont get any bigger( see my grandma wont let me have anything but fish cause she has got this DAMN BIRD) he is so annoying but anyway back to the subject. the little frog have to live in a little tank by themselves and they are so cute u can see them jumping around in the water. so cute... then on thursday i went back to the pet store cause she only gave me 2 fish and i was suppost to have three so i when i go there she looked at all the fish and some of them had ick which is a disease fish can get so she decided not to give me any of them and i had to check my fish which both of them had it so i get three new goldfish next week.. i also go a beta fish yesterday and hes adorable i named him stanly cute huh.. so that is how the pet store went.
Another subject....
so about 2weeks ago i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out and let me tell u it hurt like HELL but see my doctor was very nice he gave me like 20 shots in the mouth and painkillers...loratab was my friend but other than that i dont think i have anything to say..as usual im alone but in my world i like it i mean but doesnt it suck when all the ugly people have someone and you dont...but like in macon is grand....