(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 01:47

ya know. I think sometimes we try so hard to change ourselves.
It isn't meant in a bad way, that comment.
I just mean that we are so harsh with ourselves.
We feel like we have to change ourselves around because we are not satisfied with ourselves.
Does that make sense? It does to me and I hope it does to you as well.
I notice this in myself, which is why I bring it into light.
Instead of focusing on ourselves so much, why don't we focus on problems.
Social problems, racism, oppression, slavery, exploitation, etc.
Is it too much to think about or is just that we do not know about all of this going on.
I think one of the best moves I have made since I turned 18 (technically became an adult) was to become a Chican@ Latin@ Studies Major. Not just because I was able to identify with the people in my classes, and my professors, but also because it opened up my eyes to other things going on in the world.
I know some people believe these ethnic studies programs help harbor hatred in you, but I disagree with that completely.
Although I kid around about how I do not like white people because they oppress us, I only kid. If I were to think that, then I have learned nothing from CHLS...from life.
I believe that CHLS has empowered me in a way that I did not think could be possible.
I always hope that Latinos like me decide to take at least one class in Chican@ Latin@ studies...because I believe if anything, you feel something different that you usually would not in most college classes. You feel like you belong, for lack of a better term.
I know that when I graduate, I will continue to take classes, on my off time. Because a student never stops learning =)

On a related note...
Here are the classes I am taking next semester.
I am writing them down because I have faith that I will do well and I will kick so much ass!
History 486: Afro-America and the U.S.
CHLS 490: Latino Politics in the U.S.
Chem 100: Chemisty...haha GE!
CHLS 310: Chican@ Thought
History 465: Latin American Nations
omg omg. that's it =)
and I am joining MEXICA which is a Folkloric dance group on campus. Supposedly they will be doing Aztec dancing as well.
Anyway, I'm done with my rant.... thank you for listening..
P.S. does anyone have any good CDs they recommend? I would love to hear what y'all are listening to...
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