This is an amazing time. The last time American's voted for President, I was only 17. Now, in 2008 I'm 21 and I'm voting in a very important election. This is more than when Bush won. This is more than the fact that there is a white and a black man running. This country needs something better. Vote. If you think this has nothing to do with you,you're wrong. If, for some reason, you don't know who to vote for, go check it out. We live in an age of technology, Obama and McCain both have websites. and . If you need to know where to go vote go to . Don't think you have to vote republican because your grandmother does or democrat because that's what all your friends are doing..this is your vote and it does matter what you think is right or wrong, and no one else.
Well..that's my soapbox, and I can't wait.