October --> November

Oct 31, 2014 17:36

Just out and about, hiding from any possible trick-or-treaters that might come by my place. Kind of a nice change of pace from the routine. Just hoping the coffee keeps me going-bad enough dealing with awful Silicon Valley traffic down here after work. Rather excited about continuing this departure from regular day-in-day-out patterns, by going out to my fav diner not too far away in San José, in about an hour or so.

The crew working the coffee place tonight's rather energetic and into the spirit of the day with facepaints; I don't know if they only had that option and couldn't go in full costume, though I think some costumes might not be so helpful as to allow for free movement needed to perform their work tasks. They were bopping around with the music as I entered the place earlier, as if in some music video. I felt very much welcomed.

I just keep feeling in some ways as the year progresses I keep entering more and more unknown territory, both personally and professionally. Not sure what exactly to feel about that, though at times I also feel like there's no time to really feel, and that I just need to do more than feel. Can't even say if it really works for me. Perhaps only time will tell. No accounting for how incredibly quickly time just marches on and on and on-at least in my case, I often don't have the time for that.

reflection, day-to-day

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