Jul 14, 2009 20:05
I'm hiding out from the heat brought unmercifully onto the bay, intensified by the lack of a/c in my place. Fine during the day in the office except for walks during my morning and lunch breaks; I usually get so busy in the afternoons I forget about my afternoon break. I'm hiding out at Barefoot Roasters right now to escape the heat. maybe by 20:30 I can go back home and stuff. spending too much money just to be out of the house. And by the way, Panera™ = failwhore 'cause they now limit your time in regards to wifi access.
Lately I've been feeling so lackluster about school, but work doesn't feel as bad. Life in general feels sucky. Just nothing to really look forward to in some great way or otherwise. And not enthused or jazzed about the whole thesis process. I dunno, just tired, no steam. no motivation. It needs to emanate from deep within, like an unstoppable well. But it's not that way.
Funny how I just feel like a wallflower, mohawk and all, even in the midst of this funky coffee house in Santa Clara. No, I'm no simple attentionwhore. It's not just any attention that will do it.