Jun 08, 2004 17:16
i have bent over back wards and totally out of my way for some people and what happens when i am not needed anymore i get ignored and just plan stabbed in the back
after being these peoples taxi for two weeks traveling 3 hours a day to get them where they need to go and they payed me 50 bucks and when you take in to account gas money travel time and time i missed at work that is a lot more then 50 buck for two weeks of this mind you one of these people is a totally fucking asshole and thinks that the world revolves around him (drop dead). now the money thing isnt totally what has pissed me off it is the fact that they had the nerve to tell me that i own them and next time they want to go out we can pay for please tell me if anyone thinks that i really owe these people anything and just take in to account neither one of them would have a job and probably no where to live
i am just so angry that that every time i help these people and do them favorers. During i am their best friend until my services are no longer needed them i am no one and i dont exist until they run in to trouble again and they need a favor from me PEOPLE THAT IS NOT WHAT FRIEND ARE ONLY FOR even though that is how i am treated so thanks for once again stabbing me in the back and twisting that knife nice and deep.