oh morning

Jul 12, 2008 12:35

i keep buying a few steps in front of me
just to have history repeat itself
my head spent from hypothesizing tomorrow
when i don't even own a present
they say "today is a gift"
but one i only want to give away
my hands does for my body a mask for destruction
clothed in humble eyes and solid clean shirts
my soul grows even older before old
already dead, that odour can never be freed
alive or fallen, a spirit never held near by another
i shudder when reminded of that monday of mistakes
the consequence awaits every time i wake
oh morning, oh morning
but i wake
i purchase chances to mistreat you
just so i could stop and look away
when eventually the strong won't care to stay
i am well beneath and unworthy of your love
get gone, get gone, get gone
knowing well i meant to tell myself
oh morning,
how many more?
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