Oct 24, 2004 18:09
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:11:55 PM): i am in an incredibly shitty mood right now...
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:00 PM): its not even kool
Deadful Sin (6:12:07 PM): dammit alie
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:08 PM): and is it right to want to slit someones throat
Deadful Sin (6:12:11 PM): you killed me
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:14 PM): sorry
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:16 PM): :o\
Deadful Sin (6:12:19 PM): lol its cool
Deadful Sin (6:12:22 PM): whats wrong
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:26 PM): better you in a video game then a person no?
Deadful Sin (6:12:38 PM): yeah i guess
Deadful Sin (6:12:39 PM): lol
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:53 PM): ok
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:12:58 PM): so i got home like not even 2 hours ago
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:13:02 PM): and my brothers bitching at my mom
ok so i get here and hes bitching about my moms electricity bill and this and that and how she borrows money to pay the bills and shit and then for some reason he goes into the kitchen and starts throwing food out of the fridge and freezer onto the floor... then my mom walks in and sees him being a fucking retard and starts putting the food back into the freezer where it belongs... so anyone... on with the story...
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:13:21 PM): and saying hes gonna leave and all she does is waste shit and bitching because she borrows money to pay bills
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:13:36 PM): he said that i couldnt care if he left anyways
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:13:52 PM): and i said damn right i wouldnt because me and my mom did fine and fucking dandy without him here leeching
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:00 PM): bills were paid there was fod and everything
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:04 PM): no arguing at all
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:26 PM): and then my mom starts saying shes gonna go get child support and this and that and my brothers like "thats not gonna do shit"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:34 PM): and then shes like "it'll fucking help out alot"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:38 PM): and hes just contradicting her
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:14:40 PM): and then
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:00 PM): she gets upset and says "all im trying to do is keep shit together and i cant even do that" and she runs off crying
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:01 PM): so me
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:07 PM): i run to the room after her like 2 mins later
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:22 PM): and im telling her"just let him fucking leave mom and when he wants to come back dont fucking let him"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:26 PM): and i told her
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:30 PM): to remember when itw as just me and her
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:39 PM): and she said yea shes knows it was better and this and that
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:49 PM): and i told her... we could both give up a couple things and we'll make it
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:53 PM): better without him
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:15:55 PM): and shes like "i know"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:09 PM): and i was crying and then shes like "all i want to do is help you out raisiing your baby"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:17 PM): and i said "mom its not your responsibility"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:22 PM): and i dont want you to help me
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:34 PM): and shes like "im your mom i want to help"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:42 PM): and i said that her being here is enough help for me
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:51 PM): having her by my side to talk to is enough
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:53 PM): i dont need her money
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:16:59 PM): shes doing enough taking care of me
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:17:03 PM): and shes like i know
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:17:07 PM): but i want to give you better
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:17:30 PM): and i said "we'll lets cut back on some shit and then we'll get things straighted out and then we'll go back to our "wants" rather then our needs"
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:17:34 PM): fuck my brother
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:17:50 PM): so i gave her a hug
Deadful Sin (6:17:58 PM): sorry ill read in a bit
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:18:00 PM): and she said she made me and the baby broccoli and cheese and told me to go eat
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:18:16 PM): and i said ok and i walked off and got her a rag to wash her face off she had all this mascara dripping
Sk8rGuRlNbLuE (6:18:21 PM): so she said thanks and i came in here
ok so thats whats going on right now... my mom stopped crying though... i havent eaten cause my stomach hurts too much to eat... that usually happens when i cry... i dont eat... for awhile... not matter if im hungry... :o\ yes its a bad habit especially now *points* but its just me. fuck it. im still half ass crying, but oh well... :o( fuck it... and then people wonder why i am so goddamn negative... its because i grew up with a big world of negativity around me... my dad used to fucking hit my older brother jacob... he would tell me i was never going to do shit with myself... i was always going to quit everything i tried doing... i was never going to do anything i wanted to do... i was going to be "just like your brother" as he would say... point is... where do we get all this from? HIM! goddamn... atleast i have joe to talk to because hes sorta in the same situation except his dad/mom hasnt left yet... fuck it. :o( well im gonna go and be a big ball of negativity and sulk... bye