snow and pet peeves

Nov 16, 2005 21:59

First Snow!! I <3 snow so very much.

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Okay, not really snow. It sort of looks like Mother Nature sprinkled a generous amount of powdered sugar all over campus. And today it was cold, not quite 'stay-puff marshmallow man' coat cold, but more like 'If it wasn't so damn windy, it would be a pleasant day' cold. The temperature wasn't too bad, about 20 degrees F, but there were 20 mile per hour winds, joined with 40 mile per hour wind gusts, making it feel like 0 degrees F. It was the kind of wind that makes your eyes water, I got to math lecture looking like I was having a sort of emotional breakdown. I nearly died on my way to 8 a.m French, because none of the walkways were salted, and there was ice everywhere. Tomorrow it's going to be nicer, around 30 degrees, but it's going to be in the 40's over the weekend, so bye-bye snow.

Overall, I'm a pretty laid back person. [No really I am, stop laughing, okay I can be wound a little tight sometimes (see February '05 and September-present '05)] But there are just some things that just rub me the wrong way. So I present my three current pet peeves:

1) I don't care if people smoke. That is a personal decision on their part. Fine, whatever. But, if I'm walking on the sidewalk, and you MUST walk directly next to me, and you MUST smoke, please hold your cigarette on the side opposite me. Through some freak law of physics, when you hold the cigarette next to me the line of smoke goes directly from the aforementioned cigarette into my nostril. Keep your 250 toxins to yourself, kplzthanx.

2) In my dorm [excuse me, I mean 'Residence Hall', and it's not a cafeteria, it's a 'residential restaurant', oh please], there is only one laundry room. That means there is only 11 washers and 12 dryers for BOTH the east and west wings. So please don't use five washers all to yourself. Just because you waited a month to do your clothes doesn't give you the right to hog the laundry room, and if it's a huge inconvenience to spend four hours doing laundry in two machines, plan your time better. Also, please remember that you've done laundry. If it's high time in the laundry room, and you don't remove your clothes within ten minutes of them being done, I'm removing them for you, deal with it.

3) To the person who sits in the back right corner of math discussion: Please keep your shoes on during class. Nobody wants to smell your gross, stanky feet, stinkin' up the back right quarter of the room. Seriously, if I were you, I'd get that checked.

Quote du Jour: "Life is but a scene, a moment in time"
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