After a few days to recoup I thought I would just pop in a little something about my weekend. I whent to see Pink on Sunday and OMG she rocked. It was the best concert I am totally speachless all I can say is you so had to be there to appreciate how amazing it was. If you didnt........ go buy the dvd it was one hell of a show. I got there at 5pm for the 7pm start to get a decent spot I was in standing front row, right of the stage you could reach out and touch her (if the bloody camera man didnt keep getting in the way lol) I can proudly say I did in fact lose my voice I was screaming and singing so hard. I came home with some souvenirs. I broughty myself a Tour T-Shirt, Tour Book to make up for not having any photo's (security didnt allow any use of cameras or even mobile phone cameras), a really cool glow stick that flashes different colours I couldnt resisit and a lanyard. That was me trying to behave haha. I also left covered in confetti from when the cannon blasted into the crowd. Excellent night, still buzzin now.