I really, really hate people....

Apr 29, 2006 17:53

Dear College Students of Indiana Tech,

I hate most if not close to all of you. You're all a bunch of rude, inconsiderate assholes. Stop using the engineering computer lab for your own personal use. Stop browsing Myspace and porn websites on the school's computers during the weekend in the lab. FOR THE SAKE OF PETE STOP TALKING ON YOUR PHONE AND PRACTICALLY YELLING WHILE IN THE COMPUTER LAB! People are trying to do some sort of productive work while you're sitting there just enjoying yourself. Seriously, if murder wasn't illegal, I think you'd be dead right now...or at least your phone would be in a million pieces. I hate you with every ounce of my being. The library and the computer lab are for studying and doing schoolwork. Stop thinking about yourself for a second and be considerate of the others around you. Ugh....seriously, I'm going to be really blunt here and just say, that it would be a lot easier to avoid racism if the vast majority of you didn't act like complete and utter fuckin' idiots....

I'm way to angry to even comprehend what to type anymore.

I hate you all,
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