Sep 17, 2011 20:44
This week I've been trying to learn the Preamble like crazy! I finally got it down I think, I hope, because there's a test on Monday! Phew~ We'll see how much I've learned about the USA~
P.S - America School House Rock really does Rock.
In other worlds I'm really really digging Lolita. I went to the movies on Friday in a sweet outfit and got mistaken for a forgin movie star. I got called "Alice" and "Little Bo Peep" tons of times... For some reason people here in America like to label people. I got stopped many times and asked, "who are you supposed to be?" I laughed and explained that was how I dressed normally. People were shocked. I found it somewhat amusing that people don't dress up for no reason anymore. My girlfriend was dressed in a hot steampunk outfit and everyon thought the goggles on her hat looked like Willy Wonka. Little Bo Peep and Willy Wonka forever.
I didn't get any pictures but hopefully I will soon.
I am also one step closer to ordering my petti. I'm going to order one from FanpulsFriend one now, and then in a few months I will order another from Classical Puppets. Hopefully that will cover me for a couple of years for petties.
And last weekend was the best weekend of my life I'm sure to ever happen. NDK- year 1. NDK year 2 is already in pre-planning. My outfits are already decided. Friday night will be Ishi along with Tarin, Saturday night will be Iwa along with Travis, and Sunday will be Ishi and Tarin again. Ishi's outfit will be a OTT Rococo Gothic Loli, and Iwa's will be a Cyber Loli. Iggy and I will also be staying at the Marriot Hotel in Denver. Perhaps another few people will join us as well. I cannot wait for next year already!
Well. TTFN. Ta Ta for now~