OMFG! i just typed out everything..and i liked it...and then i pressed something on the mouse....and it disapeard!
WHAT THE FUK! is a brief;
- i have a massive headache...
- i went to school, took a test in science...and i don't think i passed...and if i didn't...pfft. no skin off my ass. i like science...but head hurted all day.
- conferences were yesterday. could have had alot of extra credit...but my mum didn't come home till way later after.
- i think i'm failing all my classes but history, which sucks. and i don't think i did very well on that test today.
- i'm failing math. which is not so unusual. i NATURALLY suck at it.
- language, eh...i'm failing because i have a lots of homework that i haven't turned in..and they're not even finnished
- i'm pissed off because gab is starting to smoke in the house...and she's threatening my animals, saying that she's going to throw them in the pound. that dog can go. i'm sorry....but she chews up everything. awwe now i feel even more horrible.
- and now i have to get off..
- and i didn't do my power point that i was suposed to do for mcguire... blah. i hate my life and i want to die... now...lightning come down and strike me for my evil doings (ahh what evil doing?) any fuckin way...i have to go...
bye bye