Feb 20, 2005 15:28
[[ f i r s t s ]]
First Best Friend: Tie: Cali Ertle and Derek Parker
First break-up: Heath Goodrich
First screen name: SnuffyTheHamster
First self purchased album: Nirvana: Nevermind
First pets: Charlotte and Willie the turtles and Teddy the Hamster
First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced at age 5, Ankh tattoo the day after my 18th birthday
First true love: Not even going there
First enemy: Some bitch named Heather who was my nieghbor
First big trip: Orlando, Florida, age 12
First music you remember: A mind- boggling mixture of Yanni and Elvis from Mom, Charlie Daniels band, the Stray Cats and Frank Zappa from Dad, and Slayer, Posion, and Skid Row from Kristen. No wonder I turned out this way!
[[ l a s t s ]]
Last cigarette: brand? time? what do you mean?
Last car ride: Driving to my Dad and Stepmother's house
Last kiss: like 2 hrs ago
Last good cry: three weeks ago after saying goodbye to Kissy
Last movie seen: Shrek 2
Last beverage drank: coffee right now
Last food consumed: linguine alfredo and chicken last night
Last crush: what exactly are the credentials for a "crush"?
Last phone call: Recieved? Mom. Made? Daddy.
Last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: hooker boots
Last item bought: cigarettes
Last annoyance: Leo sleeping exactly in the middle of my bed with his elbows sticking out and hogging the pillow :)
Last time wanting to die: uh... dont remember...
Last time scolded: this morning... "Call your doctor!"
[[ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ]]
Who are your best friends? do you mean the ones I see most often? The ones I talk to the most? The ones I conduct religious practices with? This question is stupid. To say "Best" to one person degrades everyone else. How's about this: Tiff and Lexi are my sisters. Lexi, Steph and Lucas are my roomates. Leo is my boyfriend. Robin, Brian, and BuBu are my fellow coven members. Audrey, Scott, Shawn, Petro, Panda, Pete, Jon, and Tony are people who make me laugh and I enjoy being around. One- Note, Leo and Lucas are my brute squad. You decide who out of that is "best"
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? happily boasting the best boyfriend in the universe.
[[ s p e c i f i c s ]]
Do you do drugs? nope.
What kind of shampoo do you use? Thermosilk or Herbal Essences
What are you most scared of? Spiders!
What are you listening to right now? My stepmom talking to my stepsister on the phone
Who is the last person that called you? mummy
Where do you want to get married? anywhere but a church
What would you change about yourself? physically? bigger boobs, smaller nose, better skin. and maybe add some cool scars. Personality? less co-dependant on my friends... and surprisingly, i think that's it.
[[ h a v e | y o u | e v e r ]]
Given anyone a bath? yup
Smoked? like a forest fire
Bungee jumped? eek no
Made yourself throw up? no...Tequila made me throw up...
Skinny dipped? yes
Ever been in love? yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?
Pictured your crush naked? well considering i've got a damn good frame of reference...:p
Cried when someone died? yes
Lied? "no, really, I'm fine!"
Fallen for your best friend? yes
Been rejected? of course
Rejected someone? yeah... the "best" friend.
Used someone? maybe not intentionally
Done something you regret? yes
[[ n u m b e r ]]
Of times i have had my heart broken: you mean relationship- wise? 2. add 3 more onto that if we're talking in general.
Of hearts i have broken: nothing that wasn't repaired... but I'll say 3. That I know of.
Of guys i've kissed: was i supposed to keep track?
Of girls i've kissed: see above
Of continents i have lived in: 1
Of tight friends: how tight my friends are is none of my business!
Of cds i own: no idea
Of scars on my body: Lol that's funny.
[[ f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s ]]
Gold or Silver: silver
What was the last film you saw at the movies: The Incredibles
Who would you love being locked in a room with: this might just be the stupidest question ever
Would you color your hair: My hair hasnt been it's natural color since I was 14, unless you count when it was growing back and was too short to color
Habla espanol: working on it
Drink alcohol: very rarely
Like watching sunrises or sunsets: watching the sun set is just watching the sun rise in reverse.
What hurts the most: physically? to my own experience, having your kneecap that's floating around your ankle somewhere snapped back into joint. Emotionally? Being lied to. Mentally? Regret.