::oh my lordy... me and that alicia have to be two of the funniest people i know... shes talking online about seeing doug im talking about the whole 'ken and bianca' stuff i heard about and how idont talk to him much anymore and shes like omg ali why arent you taking to him he likes you? i was like cause he was mean to me and she was like what about u saying you liked him? i was like that was a while ago she was like no that ws last week i was like umm or not and she was talking about doug and i was talking about ken lol haha... it was an at the moment type of funny...
...also decided when people say somthings gay or that nonsence its stupid! because its not the correct ussage!!! lol alicia decided that so i decided to tell everyone that... i said i take it offensivly lol...
... before i go when i said...
'::...i want everything to be back to the way it was when i was in elmentary school... no one cared what they looked like or what people though about each other, boys still had cuddies, spice girls and hanson were everyones favorites band (even though i still like hanson lol haha)... back in the day when all we had to worry about was brooken dolls instead of brooken hearts...'
i wanted to add... boys are smelly!! lol and now im gonna go... <3::
i love you all!!!
... i love alicia and autumn so freakin much!!! i wouldnt know what to do without those two... they are the reasons i appreciate day to day living and always have a smile on my face even if i am mad... they are my shinging stars, my two favorite fat girls who are crazy beautiful!!! lol those two have stuck with me threw thick and thin and have showed me how to appreciate life... they have tought me so many things and i want them to know how much i care for them... if i was doing somthing i wasnt sapposed to theyd hit me over the head a few times to show me the right things to do... they have givin me a shoulder to cry on all those damn times ive cryed... they have given me so many things to laugh about... i love those two so much and if anything happend to them i wouldnt know what to do... they know if they need anything im their girl... the three fat girls of tripleA... I LOVE YOU TWO!!! <3 ...
autumn, lesha & me!!!
lesha & me
autumn & me (arnt i a hot stud muffin in that one?)