Jun 03, 2009 01:50
- 08:12 Wasted last night crying because supposed "best" friend once again called me selfish & snobby and made me feel like I don't deserve shit. #
- 08:37 @ johnlim You just made my day better #
- 11:06 @ markhoppus I can actually answer that.. .but do you want me to? #
- 11:31 @ lozateazer Good Luck Lolo! Be your Charming self and they will love you! #
- 11:36 "I Told You So" sung by Carrie & Randy makes me cry. Like, alot. Also, I am mad twittering out my emotions today. It's like Therapy. #
- 12:59 @ chaoticasylum I has much love for you. #
- 14:37 @ lozateazer This is a very good thing. It means they liked what they heard if they're double checking your story. #
~Punk Pony
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