in case any of you don't know, my sister is an amazing photographer. i feel extremely compelled to shamelessly promote her photography as it is both mesmerizingly beautiful and refreshingly unique. she has a way of making the most mundane, boring, and ugly things seem like objects of extreme beauty, worthy of study and admiration. her self-portraits are frank and honest, and sometimes just downright thought-provoking. her nature shots fill me with wonder and awe (i'm definitely getting prints as soon as i have cash!). and she has a way of bringing out the beauty in others when she takes pictures of them.
i'm not saying all of this merely because she is my sister. i can truthfully say that i endeavour to view kimi's photography objectively, without letting the fact that we're related and i love her to pieces interfere in any way or create any sort of bias.
i suggest that you
check out her photography. maybe you won't end up having the same opinions of it as i do, but nevertheless i believe it's definitely worth a look.
i also want to mention that kimi got one of her photographs on a jones soda label. prior to this, one of her nature shots entitled "lakefront" was being published in an american book of photography.
kimi, i hope yer reading this, because i want to tell you that, in my opinion, you have serious talent when it comes to photography, and i hope that you continue with it, and maybe even consider making a career out of it. in short, you rock! :D
*shameless promotion OVER!* :P