Lesbians have sex in telenovelas, too

Oct 10, 2009 13:35

Huzzah and shit, I am now unencumbered by the Niños Ricos, Pobres Padres recap cut! Not that I didn't have a shitload of fun with those. Here's hoping I can make it last this time. Now I can focus once again on working really hard to make myself laugh.

But I do want to share this all of you (but mostly Lor, of course) because I found it highly amusing, and way unexpected. Lesbian girl Laura and Anaís had sex. What!
I'm hardly an expert, but I can't remember any other telenovela having a lesbian in it at all, much less a lesbian having sex.
So far we've seen a fairly realistic depiction of young homosexuality from NR considering this is a telenovela, gasp!. I mean, no comic relief style fey dudes who wear nothing but silk shirts all the time as is usually the gay du jour on telenovelas. However, who ever heard of two girls gettin' down before the boys? Unless Laura and Anaís are moving in together after this. Haw!
Granted, I know Diego is a good boy, and Santiago is currently in the hospital dealing with the fact that he can't walk no mo', but for a lesbian couple to beat them to the punch? There goes realism right out the window.
Haa, I'm just kidding.
But even this show can't take itself too seriously. Karina and Isa got into an excellent cat fight. Very telenovela style. Hair yanking, bitch slaps, some clothes being torn off. It was very tasteful.
Also, when they were rolling around on the bed the sound effects guy was apparently under the impression that the situation called for what can only be described as bag of rocks being dragged onto concrete.
Makes sense.

In other news, I have come to the sobering realization that Cal Worthington will probably outlive us all.

Omg, yay! I finally got a copy of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days! (Just in case, that's read 358 Days over 2) Goofy subtitle? You bet! But it's still Kingdom Hearts so I must love it. This game's version of the KH prelude theme has got to be my absolute favorite! The FMVs are so smooth and unpixelated, ooh! The in-game graphics themselves are also pretty impressive. Roxas's eyes are much larger in proportion to his head in his DS poly model than his PS2 model. It makes him look like a lost puppy dog, which is basically what he is in this game. (Doesn't the cover art just break your heart?) I still don't know how I feel about this new girl Xion or why she can also use a keyblade, but I'm glad they're going to further explore and flesh-out Roxas's friendship (haw) with Axel.
But why do the names for Roxas's keyblades have to be so depressing? The two I've found so far are called Missing Ache and Pain of Solitude.
I hope I find some more upbeat keyblades soon or I may cry.

Hey! So like I said, La Academia's back! One of the alumnos from LA didn't even make it to the first concert! Boo! He will forever be remembered by me as Number 36, but really his name is Jorge Manuel Valdez. None of you got to see him and he was a pretty man. Well, I guess he still is, but whatever. He left. He's got nasty claustrophobia and yet he wanted to be locked inside the Academia house. Or at least he thought he did until he realized he couldn't take it and he had to go.
And in case you missed it, he was so called because there were 35 other alumnos.
Oh, yes. They had 36 this year. Usually it's 18 but they were like, no! 18 dudes and 18 girls, bring it on.
Of course, by the end of Sunday they booted seven of them. At least we got to hear them sing, though. Not like two or three seasons ago when they also started with more than 20 and they were cut to around 18 before they even got to set foot on stage.
Yep. They were like.........yeah, you. And you. And also you.
Several yous later, they were down to the appropriate number and were then like, all right! Let's start this bitch!

So! With Number 36 gone, we at least have Luz from Oakland to represent the US, woo!
Also within the new alumnos' ranks are two dudes from Argentina. Cool! That's Sebastian and Agustín
And representing Guatemala is.... wait for it! Napoleon! Tits.
For the girls, I only know about Mell being from Puerto Rico. I can't remember if any of the other girls are from outside Mexico.
But currently I think my votes (if I voted, that is. Haw!) would go to Rodrígo, because he is an adorable little hobbit thing. Well, he's 16 so he's a great deal smaller than the rest, and looks hobbit-ish by comparison. I can sing, Mr. Frodo, sir!
Also, 'cause he cried when they told him his song this week is the Kumbia Kings cover of Speedy Gonzalez.
I can't help but respect him for that.

But wait, where the shit is that super bitch, Lolita Cortez? She's not a judge this year. Oh, my God. They made her Directora!
And that's not even the biggest shocker......I actually love her now! Now that she actually has to take the time to get to know the alumnos I think her motherly instincts have kicked in and the super bitch is nowhere in sight.
She'll still totally bitch at you, but now it won't be completely groundless. Plus she'll totally wuv you now.
Oh, and during the concerts she gets to interrupt whatever a judge says a total of five times to basically say, "Hey. Fuck you." if she doesn't like what they had to say to her alumno. Nice.

This season, 'cause things weren't different enough as it is, the producers have decided to spice the competition itself up. No longer content with kids what sing good and stuff, now they want you to be able to dance and play an instrument as well. How unfortunate that the girl who played violin was booted. And she sang Ojalá Que Llueva Cafe, too! Oh my shit, I fucking love that song! Eugh!!
If you're in the bottom, you have to face off against the other alumnos in danger of getting the boot and the competition is decided randomly as singing, dancing or playing your chosen instrument. There's also a wild card where you get to choose which of those three you'd rather do.
Alberto chose to dance to Poker Face. No, really. Maybe it was because of this oversight that he was among the 7 who were eventually sent home.
One girl whose name I can't remember played her guitar and sang a song about how hippies are dirty and stink because they don't bathe. It was hilarious, Lolita was scandalized and pissed but didn't say anything about it.
All that having been said, this is probably the last you'll hear about La Academia from me on LJ.
You're welcome!

Thanks to Toni (Thank you, Toni!) convincing me to give Chrono Cross another shot, I have now finally beat the game! Yes! Hooray! I've had this game almost a decade but I finally beat it! I've made Serge proud of me! I don't understand how I couldn't get my head around the battle/element system before. It's so simple to me now. What a shame I didn't realize this sooner. What a shame that not even the fact that the main character is also a Serge could convince me to try harder. What an extra shame that Chrono Cross has one of the most beautiful soundtracks I have heard in or out of a video game and yet has a most annoying and offensive battle theme I have ever heard. That's the one song you hear the most in an RPG! Shame! The song isn't bad, what annoys me are the midi instruments used to play it. Whatever. The rest of the music/game is beautiful. Plus, like I said, it's got Serge in it.

I'm currently kind of pissed at those Axe hair ads. The one at the mall with the pig in it. They switched the dude in that ad! I know this because the guy in that ad right now is a short haired dude that kinda looks like if Breckin Meyer had a kid with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. And the dude who was originally in that ad had some fucking righteous shag.
What the hell, Axe?
The next time you see that ad you're gonna be like, "Oh my God, Serge was right. That dude totally looks like if Breckin Meyer had a kid with Joseph Gordon-Levitt."

I was watching Tyra today--I do that sometimes, shut up. I was watching Tyra today and they did this segment on what they call the "boyfriend" look. Do girls really fucking do this? I mean, wearing your boyfriend's clothes is nothing new, I know this. Girls have been wearing their boyfriends' clothes since the advent of the football jersey. No, what I mean is when girls take guy clothes and making them into girl clothes. They wear a dude's cardigan and call it a dress. No. They wear their boy's jeans and use a scarf as a belt and then they roll that shit up like it was capri pants or something. No. What is this?
One girl's excuse is that she sometimes sleeps at her boyfriend's house but forgets her overnight bag and she needs a viable solution so that she doesn't go out to the store and buy a $25-$50 dollar shirt she doesn't need.
Fucking really?
Immediately, every infomercial ever comes to mind. You know, the part when they make people who don't have their product look like complete and total retards? There's got to be a better way!
I really dislike women sometimes.

¡Pásatelas super duuuper!

In my defense, I was up late watching a Designing Women marathon
Actually quite beautiful
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