hmmmm.[[ deep in thought i am ]]

Jun 15, 2003 22:48

guh ness.

man. hooray fr rikki. and everyone else.
dude..i was watching the band and im like, shyyt, im sooo glad im not down there. cuz playing at graduation sucks my ass.
i got there with rik and pat at like..1;25. and then me and pa went to save seats. so yeah..we went up to the very tippy top on the fifty. and ha. we were the only ones with shade for THE WHOLDE TIME. and this fucking asian family kept fucking asking us if they could sit there. NOQ WE;RE FUCKING SAVING THEM! GODDDDDD! hm whatever. and yeha. im happy it was a fast ceremony and junk. so yay. then we went to 'tacos jaliscos'.YUMM! i love mexican food. even though i couldnt even fucking finish it. argh. oh well. twas good.
the sectors reunite!
for a night out!

hm. so yeah. sectors....weird being with all of them again. like. but im glad though.

we went to the beatch. man. good times. twas fun. we had to share a pit thouh..but they were good people.
man. there were SO MANY PEOPLE THERE. guh! i wish like...there wasnt. but it was all like...a community htouhg. and its like. ya kno, we're all here to have fun. and lets just chill man. serious. and the ocean was so gorgeous at night. the moon light reflecting of the water and sand was amazing. yay for the things that are beautiful.

graduation partay!...that was today
yay. we went to my aunts house for it. we made was SO MUCH FUCKING WORK. we made...AND BOUGHT---eh. dont want to type it all out. but much work. and i had to barbeque the sautay with my dad. geez! there was like....150 of them. shyyt. but they were fucking good. mmmm! and the rest of te foodwas amazing.

OOOH!!! CHICKEN CAME TOO!!! i was so happy to se him. i havent sen him in like..a FORtNIGHT. ha. fortnight. but yeah. he go skinier. geez..and he said hed hook me up with some isions. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY! and hes playing a show in like...i forget. but he wanted us to go. i want to so bad. i havent seen di play in like...fuck. a long time. and they are fucking rad shoes too.

neEt yes? yes. if you cant see them ...


well. im out.
gonna see kertis tomorrow. YAY! a punk rock budday! wo0p. bye!
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