Aug 31, 2005 17:58
I misunderstand, I'm a fool, I'm an idiot, I'm immature and plenty of other things. There's no real point in our friendship anymore. What's a friendship if all we do is cause each other pain? We've had some good laughs and good times. I'm grateful for them and your influence. Don't worry about me because even though I have been weak in the past .. I'm MUCH stronger now. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have the strength to take you out of my life. I have a lot of good friends now. During summer I was naturally down because all my friends were away but now I have so many friends inside and outside of school, I'm flooded! I have plenty of new role models now that will help me through my problems, when they do arise, so there's no need to worry. I'm in good hands. You're confident, if not overly, so I'm sure all you need is yourself. You'll be fine. I know you will be. I'm sorry I couldn't be the greatest friend. I know you won't cry, get mad, or even show any emotion reading this but .. that's alright. I don't need your emotion anymore. Take care! Maybe we'll meet again. <3
GOOD NEWS: School kicks ass. I'm getting into plenty of extra classes, tutoring the disabled, and just rocking everything. I see my friends everyday and we write notes in each other's locker during passing period. Girls write me notes all the time; always friendly. This year, I'm Stuco President! I wrote a letter to my principle about the Katrina deal and she took my idea into effect. I'm now taking donations at my school for Katrina. Pablo is hardcore, Talia is sweet, Ashly is a dork, Brittney is a hottie, Lenny is still a hooker, and Ramsey still comes over every now and then to give a 'hello' along with many others. My online friends, Cody, Shade, Lauren, Kristen, Rohan, Vincent, Emily are the greatest. I don't know how I would've made it without you guys. Thanks for your support and belief in me. It's appreciated!