I read
Modern Buddy all the time. Some of the Portland riders figured it was about time to get together for a ride, after all was said and done it ended up being myself, my wife and Pdxer. We also had rye-bread say she was going to come but somehow we missed the connection with her. We started out at the West Linn library, riding our way down 43 towards Selwood. We crossed the river at the Selwood bridge, and headed down 17th towards Belmont: Ending at Rimsky's Korsacoffee for some Chai and the Worlds Best Bannana Split and some good conversation. It was awesome getting to meet Pdxer, and April and I had a great time chatting! As a side note, its hard to get positioned 2-up when you're 6'3" and your wife is 4'8". Its doable, but boy howdy! April was a bit nurvous about riding, and had kinda freaked out a bit on our test ride the day before, but after a mile or so and no death or dismemberment, she loosened up and began to enjoy herself. The only iffy spot was crossing the Sellwood bridge, but she hates bridges anyway. She ended up being a bit sore after the ride, but that will decrease with more rides, right babe? :)
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