Quiz stuff!!

Feb 06, 2006 16:11

Whenever there's a down poor you feel as though

your soul is linked with the sky. Everything

is able to flow like a faucet of freedom.

Although sometimes you feel the urge to burst

through the turmoil it always ends up calm

and refreshed.. as though everything were

cleansed from your system. You're a rather

calm person and easy going but if someone or

something agitates you they better grab an

umbrella to block the defense.

What storm is brewing inside you? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a CHEERFUL person.
You believe that 'laughter is the best medicine'

and do not take things seriously. You are

naturally optimistic and encouraging, which

makes you a role model for others. You are

warm-hearted and relaxed, often seen smiling

or laughing. You are someone who believes

that you control your destiny.

Your traits:
*Openness in experience

Your Color: Pink/ Yellow
Your Quote: "The truth of your destiny lies in

your heart."

.oOo. What Are You Really Like Inside?[ Anime pics included.] .oOo.
brought to you by Quizilla

And apparently I'm a girl in a pink shirt with a stuffed bunny...they always said the mirror can be deceiving :P
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