
May 21, 2007 16:12

hey everyone...
today isnt such a good day.
today is one month that peanut left us and went to heaven.
he is missed very much and it hurts all his friends and his family that he is no longer with us..

i hope u see how much everyone really misses you. all ur friends are hurting bad man. i cant hurt cuz i know you up in a better place in the arms of GOD. it doesnt seem fair u had to leave. one day we will all be up there together. till then friend.

well, good news is i got intouch with an old friend of mine again =) i hadnt talked to her in forever! but im happy that we got back in touch.. natuchii is a great friend, it sucks when shes not around... 
i also got my bestfriend to start playing world of warcraft with me =) now she can play with my boyfriend and i.. lol... that game freakin rawks! lol.. well, wb i havent talked to most of you guys i have on here  for ages =)
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