"So dance, dance the night away..."

Jul 13, 2005 22:48

So I sat here for like 10 minutes, looking at my older entries. Annnnnndd i realized my life is about as interesting as the town I live it in. I have done basically nothing this summer. I've been 16 for about 3 months, and I still don't have a job. I sleep until noon, and then just go online and steal music. As of right now, it doesn't look like me and Sam's zombie movie will ever happen. A ton of my friends are gone on vacation, and I'm not. It's more or less the middle of the summer, and I've got nothing. I've done nothing. I'm going nowhere. I don't have my license, and won't for another 3 months. School is going to suck next year. Does anyone know when we're getting our schedules? Or are we going to have to pay for those too? Fuck this town. Fuck this life. I seriously need to invest in recording equipment, because for some reason I'm thinking that recording my songs will make my life better? Go figure.

Hopefully India's thing on Friday will bring me temporary sanity. I'll actually be able to play music with someone, something I haven't really done in a while.

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