E & E - 28, originally uploaded by
Meet Ernie (lower right corner) and his sister Ellie.
Two 3,5 months old kittens from Austin Pets Alive! that adopted us a few weeks ago. APA! rescued them from Town Lake death row; both were too small to be adoptable, and had an URI (upper respiratory infection, aka cold, as most cats in Town lake), and Ernier furthermore was born with bad eyes - cataracts. So he seemed to run to things and not see much, and Ellie was the one guiding him whenever the tiny guy would cry for a paw.
They've trained us well: sleep schedule a bit redone, alarm clock for the morning noms, kitten proofing the house, making their human staff feel occasionally to be a kitten food can opener, toy and entertainment provider and box cleaner. And can't blame them for anything, 'they're just kittens...' Ernie is far from the tiny fluffball we first saw, who was running to things. He can see where he's going, so what seems to be the case is that it's all a bit hazy or gray for him. Sometimes he can't estimate the distances well when jumping up or down, but it may well be that his eyes will still get better when he grows up (and even if they'll stay as they are now, he's not a helpless guy at all). They start to differ now also for fur color: Ellie is like Italian licorice black, and Ernie like an americano coffee, so a black with nice brown accents all over. M recognizes them from ears (Ernie has less hair behind ears), I from tails or walk, or usually eyes.. unless it's dark. (The area on Ellie's tummy in the picture has shorter hair as these guys were fixed two weeks ago)
So far the little ones have eaten about anything offered, so if I'd try to make a list it would consist at least of
* iPhone charger cable (tooth marks to bear cable)
* Swatch wristband (I fixed with strong yarn and needle.. didn't feel like changing it for just that)
* Crabs and any seafood offered (yep, we did test crabs)
* Rice (had seafood base; they came to beg to try)
* Cheeses
* Reese's mini peanut butter cup, Daim, and fudge - all of which what they wanted to try and we wouldn't have offered in the first place
* Home made corn bread and bean dip (they begged)
* Latte (again, begged - limiting the dose to a small teaspoon as they don't need caffeine)