being stuck in the elevator of Dunton Tower for 40mins isn't all that bad. lol

Feb 13, 2006 14:44

Yep... 40 mins in the elevator. had some cool ppl in there though, so it was okay. one dude was on his way to write an exam, i hope they let him re-write it.

LJ Interests meme results

  1. books:
    yeah.. books.. not so much now that i'm in university. I still love them, it's just all I read is text books. yay
  2. charles delint:
    The best writer ever, and he lives here in town. I just got a new chap-book in the mail last week, maybe i'll bring it on the bus to mtl instead of a text book. lol
  3. dreams:
    I can't remember if i put this on the list to mean dreams you have when you're sleeping or asparations one has for herself and others...
  4. family:
    I love my fam.. .they are insane sometimes but over all they're cool.
  5. friends:
    I miss my friends!!! i've had no time to chill with ppl because of school. I cant' wait til MTL next week and hang with ma girls.
  6. honesty:
    So freaken important. I think the worst thing you can do to me is lie. I can't stand it, I don't care if you're doing it to "spare my feelings" tell me the truth fuck. chaces are my "feelings" will be hurt more when i find the lie
  7. knowledge:
    Gaing knowledge, learing, listen to other people describe their expericence, knowing that life is a learning experience
  8. love:
    not much of that going around over here (romanticly speaking)
  9. movies:
    when was the last time I went to the movies...
    B cool, that's sad
  10. mystery:

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