[Me, Myself, and My Job]

May 22, 2006 18:10

Today i got a little reminder of why i left everything behind. Why i left my family, my friends, and everything i knew. All of that to move to a city where i had only been once for three days and where i didnt know anyone or anything for that matter. For a while i had forgotten why i chose to move from Miami FL all the way to Tempe AZ. Some of my friends would tell me, "all the way there for a job?!", but now i see that they will never understand, that actually not even i do sometimes.
The reason? Well when do you have the chance to have a job in which you really help, in which you really know that you are saving a life? I was given that chance and i when for it. You see some of us want to be heros or even more than that, but when given the opportunity to just do your best and help, we run away. Is it because we only want the opportunity that gets recognition? or the one where you really help? I chose to help, even if it meant leaving all behind.
But the main reason are on this charts

Deaths From Diseases of the Heart

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Deaths vs. Cancer Deaths by Age

And these are the things that i'll be working with. They look weird, but to my eyes they have a different meaning.

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