Getting "Even"

Jun 14, 2007 13:11

One of my favorite scenes in Borat is where he interviews the overly-earnest feminists, asking completely ass-backwards, chauvenistic questions. I especially love that none of those women realized the irony of charging a man with being "demeaning" when they've spent the entire interview up to that point condescending to him like he was a four-year-old "special" kid who rode in on the small bus.

But when it comes to finding humor in people who take themselves and their pet causes way WAY too seriously, it doesn't get any better than this.

"He didn't show any of the parts that made him really look foolish."

That's one of the many gems from the article. He looked foolish for the entire bloody movie. That was kind of the point.

(BTW, I've recently noticed that, ever since watching the deleted scenes from the DVD, I haven't been able to walk past the cheese aisle in the supermarket without letting out a little chuckle. "And what is this?")


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