REVIEW: Punisher MAX #71

Jun 10, 2009 19:40

There's something refreshing about Parlov doing the art for Big Pun again. Not that I really had a problem with the last artist, but as a MAX fan watching this style again is just great and I can't help but welcoming it back. As for the story, too early to call, but so far the pace has noticeably changed. Unlike the beginning of the last arc ( or a few others before this one I should add ), Frank seems to be too busy trying to put together a little mystery that just got thrown at him. It doesn't start off with him going up to some organization he was looking into and scoring some Punisher headshots like we're used to. On the other hand, the creepy bad guys are getting all their gorn action. And I really mean it, these guys seem to be real creeps and not some gangsters up to no good. They're straight up serial killers like Holy and to some extent LBJ only thing they got the whole classic dirty Southern cannibalistic maniacs horror movie look to them, something really intriguing to be putting Frank up against.

I think we can look forward to really good things with the change and we're in for some really crazy action.

Also look for the Naked Kill one-shot that came out last week if you haven't yet! It's kinda like a Manhunt game, only thing it's a comic and not some annoying buggyass stealth game. I don't want to go into it in detail ( unless you'd all like a review of that ), but yeah it reminded me of Manhunt.

Happy hunting, Frank!
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